June 7, 2014 @ 12:00 pm
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Celebrate National Trails Day by taking a hike with the family on conservation land in northwest Framingham, including a section of the Bay Circuit Trail.  Sudbury Valley Trustees, a regional land trust, is holding its 3rd annual Trail-a-thon on Saturday, June 7, starting at noon. It includes a 10 km walk, and a shorter family-friendly 3 km walk.  Following the Trail-a-thon, walkers are invited to enjoy a BBQ, plus games and live music.


This year we are putting in a lot of time and energy to make it a premier event that will appeal to nearly anyone – spanning interests and ages.

·         For the nature lover, you can get outside explore trails in Northwest Framingham with a guide and other outdoor enthusiasts

·         For active folks and those who want to get more active, this is an ideal way to get some physical activity in the company of others

·         For supporters of SVT, you can walk with scores of like-minded friends and show your appreciation for our collective efforts

·         For families, there will be a shorter walk, with a guide tailoring the walk for kids to connect with and observe nature

·         For community-minded folks, you can connect with old friends and meet ones while demonstrating your pride for where we live

​Registration is required.  SVT members $5 for an individual and $10 per family Non-members $25 for an individual and $35 per family which includes SVT membership.

Directions:​ Parking will be available at 841 Edmands Road in Framingham where the BBQ, games and music are located and the trails are located across the road.  The trails will be on Sudbury Valley Trustees properties in northwest Framingham as well as parts of the Bay Circuit Trail.


For more information please visit us at


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