Bay Circuit Maps & Guides

The BCT has printable narrative guides and maps as PDFs. If you have difficulty opening any of these files, right click on the file, save to disk, and then open the saved file using Adobe Acrobat reader.

All maps and section guides are up to date as of May 2024

How to Use the Bay Circuit Guide and Maps

Each detailed map shows overlapping sections of the Bay Circuit Trail. The route of the BCT is described in corresponding text for each map, in the north-to-south direction. We encourage you to take copies of both the maps and descriptions with you, and these plus the trail markings should be adequate to follow the BCT. However, if you are interested in exploring the other trails shown, or in more detailed trail guides to the BCT, we strongly urge you to obtain local trail maps and guides. Those we know of are listed on the “For More Information” page that accompanies each map, along with information on where to obtain them. Trail users who are familiar with topographic maps may find the U.S.G.S. maps helpful. We’ve listed relevant area maps in each “For More Information” page.

Corrections, additions, and suggestions for improving the maps and associated text are very welcome. Please contact us about any suggested changes.